「200,000 WOMEN AND GIRLS WHO WERE ABDUCTED」や「Japanese Military Sexual Slavery」なる事実があるなら、この記念碑を作った人々は証拠を示してほしい。
『A monument for what are called the “comfort women serving the military” was constructed in the United States, at the public library of Palisades Park, New Jersey.
A “peace monument” (the statue of a young girl) was established in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul on December 14th, 2011.
Although the monuments are inscribed with the explanations as shown above, these inscriptions are unfortunately completely untrue.
If the phrases “200,000 women and girls who were abducted” and “Japanese Military Sexual Slavery” are claimed to be based on actual facts, we request that proof of their veracity be shown.
Repeated investigations by the Japanese government as to whether people were “forcibly taken away”, either by the military or by governmental authorities, have clearly shown that there are no facts to support such statements. While it is important to maintain a spirit of humility towards history, one should be extremely cautious about promoting or advertising subjects that are untrue.
The relationship between soldiers and “sexual matters” has been a problem for all nations. And while it is true that prostitutes did indeed exist, investigations have made it clear that the military attempted to manage this relationship in a practical and disciplined or orderly manner. It has also been shown that throughout various regions, there were almost no cases of sexual assault (rape).
There have been media reports of a large amount of money being held in a postal savings account in Shimonoseki City (in Japan), and of a former “comfort woman” claiming the right to withdraw these funds.
Some women earned more than 40 to 50 times the salary of a soldier; some were able to build homes for their parents.
There have been media reports of a large amount of money being held in a postal savings account in Shimonoseki City (in Japan), and of a former “comfort woman” claiming the right to withdraw these funds. Mainichi Shimbun(Newspaper) on May 12, 1992
In the first place, Japan concluded the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea in 1965, by which all the issues on a government-to-government basis between the Republic of Korea and Japan were settled.
Japan also pledged to aid Republic of Korea extending $300 million in grants and $200 million government loans under the Agreement Between Japan and the Republic of Korea Concerning the Settlement of Problems in Regard to Property and Claims and Economic Cooperation which was also signed in 1965. The problems in regard to property and claims both at the government and individual level were finally, completely settled.
Though so-called comfort women performed prostitution, it is conceivable that some were brought by honeyed words into prostitution, and others might have not become prostitutes with their own will considering the situation that it was under the war.
Taking account of this, Japan established the Asian Women's Fund in 1995prepared by donations from Japanese citizens to compensate former “comfort women” of Korea. Through this fund, Japan was able to pay two million yen per person to the former “comfort women” between 1995 to 2007. All the payments were completed by 2007.
Successive Prime Ministers of Japan have expressed their apology to all those who suffered as wartime comfort women.
In this manner, Japan has conducted apology and compensation to the suffered; now we must appeal, however, that it would clearly be contrary to justice provided in the international law to spread what is not true throughout the world and to rehash asking apologies and compensation to Japanese government; it would rather threaten the friendly relations between the two countries.
Moreover, it cannot be tolerated that Japanese children are bullied and felt sorrowful due to a lie that Japan conducted the abduction of 200,000 girls which is not true at all, and that the lie has been spread throughout the world.』